Seasonal News

Winter is that time of year when everyone stays indoors and forgets about their gardens – almost.

We encourage our clients to switch off their irrigation, or reduce the watering drastically. Lawns are dormant at this time of the year, so fertilising programs stop for the next two to three months and nature does what it does – naturally.

Lawns should be cut a little lower where they are spongy, but not cut drastically short, this will happen in Spring, when we get ready for the growth spurt.

Shrubs and plants can be deadheaded and trimmed at this time of the year, pruning of flowering shrubs are included in this cutting back process where necessary.

Plant out annuals like pansies and violas for that winter carpet of colour, as well as primulas.

Pot plants can be re -potted and soil replaced with fresh potting soil at this time of the year.